'Hilarious, steals the show. Oscar is truly fabulous'
Jennifer Saunders
'I love him. Oscar is a lovely soul'
Danny Dyer
'F***ing excellent!'
Bill Nighy
'The next Ronnie Barker'
Paul Whitehouse
'Amazing! The proper star of the show!'
Jo Brand
'A special mention to Oscar Conlon-Morrey who is quite brilliant in his range of supporting roles'
Daily Mail
'Oscar Conlon-Morrey particularly deserves a mention for his portrayal of the Dating Agent and other
varying parts, which he makes hilarious and notable in their own way – his stage presence spills
over with star quality.'
West End Wilma
'Oscar Conlon-Morrey whose virtuosic ability got some of the biggest laughs.'
- Spy In The Stalls
'Oscar Conlon-Morrey near steals the entire show'
- Entertainment Focus
The Toxic Avenger The Musical (The Arts Theatre, West End)
'The stand out however is Oscar Conlon-Morrey playing ‘White Dude’, who stole every
scene he was in. His energy was one that you wait for: you find yourself holding your
breath until he appears again'
Edinburgh Festivals Magazine
Nativity! The Musical (UK Tour and Hammersmith Apollo)
'Oscar Conlon-Morrey takes on the role of Mr Poppy in a Tour de Force! It’s great to see Oscar
back on the Nottingham Stage, he is one of those people you instantly like on meeting and I am
thrilled that Oscar’s career is on the rise.'
Theatre Reviews Blog
Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat (Kilworth House)
'There are standout moments from Oscar Conlon-Morrey, played with all the comic timing they require, magical.'
- Musical Theatre Review
'A stunning highlight performance from Oscar Conlon-Morrey as Simeon/Baker eliciting a continual
buzz of laughter from the audience.'
Musical Geek Reviews
Read Not Dead (The Globe Theatre)
'Oscar Conlon-Morrey delights in a narrational role as Friar Tuck. He presides
as a fruity-voiced voyeur.'
Fringe review
Just Another Love Story (The Arts Theatre)
'None more talented than Oscar Conlon-Morrey, whose desperately heartfelt treatment of ‘Losing My
Mind’, brought tears to the eye and was alone worth the price of the ticket. Has it ever been better sung?'
Musical Theatre Review
Irena's Vow (UK Tour)
'The play is gritty, and Oscar Conlon-Morrey’s startlingly cold and engaging
performance as officer Sturmbannfuhrer Rokita tranfixes the audience.'
York press